What is food Intolerance ?

Food Intolerance means either the body cannot properly digest the food that is eaten, or that a particular food might irritate the digestive system.

Food Intolerance happens when your body lacks the enzyme which are required for digestion

What If The Food Intolerance Test Is Positive?

If the test is positive for any particular food item, it means that the person is intolerant towards it and consumption of it could lead to digestive disorders like bloating, constipation, headache, or any other disorder

Do You Frequently Suffer From Health Issues Like

  • Bloating
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • Skin Problem
  • weight Issue
  • Headache
Well it could be due to eating the wrong food that your body has difficulty in digesting.
If you suspect that a certain food or food additive is causing you trouble,  Get Tested !

What is Allergy ?

An Allergy is the response of the body's Immune System to normally harmless substances such as pollen, various foods, and house dust mite, etc. In normal people, exposure to these substances (Allergens) does not cause any response.

In an Allergic patient though, the Immune System identifies them as a threat, and produces a misguided protective response, the Immune System may overreact by producing Antibodies that attack the Allergen. This can cause wheezing, itching, a runny nose, watery or itchy eyes and other symptoms

What If The Allergy Test Is Positive?

There has been no permanent cure for allergy till now. The best possible solution is to identify and avoid allergy-causing food (allergen) as much as possible

Do You Frequently Suffer From Health Issues Like






Well it could be due to allergy that your body has from allergens like food, dust, pollen, pet hair, etc
If you suspect that a certain allergens are causing you health troubles,  Get Tested !


  • Food Allergy is different from Food Intolerance. Food Allergy involves an immune system response,while Food Intolerance causes difficulty in digestion.
  • Food Allergy can give rise to grave symptoms like swelling and rashes, while Food Intolerance leads to digestive disorders.
  • Food Allergy symptoms appear immediately, while Food Intolerance symptoms appear after 2-3 hours post consumption of food.

Food Intolerance


Symptoms are troublesome and may cause lifestyle issue but not life threatning

45% of the Population Is Affected

Symptoms are delayed and can take up to 72 hours to appear

Common food intolerances are gluten (found in bread) and milk

Food Allery


Symptoms can be very severe and may lead the body to have fatal anaphylactic response

2% of the Population Is Affected

Symptoms useally appear immediatally within 2 hours of exposure

Common food allergies are peanuts, shellfish , soy and corn

Get Yourself Tested for

₹ 6,000 /-

  • Skin: itchy skin, redness, swelling and hives.
  • Mouth: itchy mouth, swelling of lips and tongue.
  • Stomach: vomiting, diarrhea, cramps.
  • Respiratory: shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness
Get Yourself Tested for

₹ 5,000 /-

How we work


1) Choose Your Test

Select the Food test that best fits your needs. Have your blood drawn at a lab or at home.

2) Receive Your Results

A digital copy of your test results will be sent to you via secure email.

3) Meet With A Dietician

Your dietician will provide individualized nutrition guidance based on your test results and needs.

4) Become a Healthier You!

You are unique. Testing options and dietician guidance you can now nourish your body uniquely too.


Connect the dots

Get to the bottom of the issue with our experts. Understand not only the triggers but WHY your body is reacting this way to fix it for life


Rooted in Research

Why Food Allergy is a Priority for NAID

Living with food allergy can have negative effects on the quality of life of patients and their families because they need to remain vigilant about accidental exposures. Allergic reactions to foods can range from mild gastrointestinal symptoms or skin rashes to severe reactions that can be fatal to children and adults with food allergy............

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances are estimated to affect up to 20% of the population but complete understanding of diagnosis and management is complicated, given presentation and non-immunological mechanisms associated vary greatly. This review aims to provide a scientific update on common food intolerances resulting in gastrointestinal and/or extra-intestinal symptoms..........

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What is the relationship between food and irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort and alterations in bowel habits. The pathophysiology of the disease remains unknown, but various factors are thought to play a role, including visceral hypersensitivity, gut dysmotility, mucosal inflammation, and changes in the makeup of the intestinal microbiota.........

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The News from Our Blog


  • 1. How to I get the report?

    The report is sent by WhatsApp, E-mail as well as the hard copy by post.

  • 2. How long it takes to get the result?

    It takes 5 days to receive the test results.

  • 3. Is fasting required?

    No fasting is required for this test.

  • 4. Why should I get tested for food intolerance and food allergy ?

    Take the guesswork out of your health and nutrition

  • 5. Do I need a doctor’s prescription to take the test?

    Doctor prescription not required to take the test

  • 6. How Accurate Will My Results Be?

    We’ve been supporting people with intolerances and allergies for 10 years, so we understand just how important accuracy is. Over this time we’ve developed food intolerance and food allergy tests that are processed with stringent testing and quality control processes in place. Samples for each food intolerance test are collected using a unique wand system, which helps to keep it protected during transit. Our allergy test uses a secured container. We also label each one so it can be tracked. Once it arrives at our in-house laboratory, our team of highly trained and qualified technician will run the relevant tests, using fully maintained and calibrated equipment and IT systems. we want to empower people with the information they need to make informed choices about what they eat, and how their body reacts. We’re proud that we have a reproducibility rate of over 98%. This means that when we test the same person’s sample on two different occasions, greater than 98% of the results will be the same.

  • 7. How To Use Your Test Results With An Elimination Diet?

    An effective way to manage the symptoms of any suspected food intolerance such as gas or bloating is to follow an elimination diet. This is where you remove certain foods from your diet before adding them again, in order to identify what might be causing an adverse reaction in your body. This is very difficult to do without getting a test first as you don’t know what foods to start eliminating. If you suspect you might have a food intolerance, unknowingly reintroducing those foods into your diet again could trigger uncomfortable symptoms. An elimination diet helps you identify trigger foods but it can be hard to stick to. However, when used with the results of a food intolerance test, you already have a clear idea of what could be causing an intolerance to flare up. Using our traffic light system, where red indicates high reactivity and green normal reactivity, you’ll be able to see which food to cut out and include first. Without a test, understanding the specific foods and proteins that cause a reaction can be difficult. For example, if you often have an upset stomach and you eat bread, you could be intolerant to gluten or yeast or wheat. Knowing exactly what triggers your body means you don’t have to cut out certain foods and nutrients unnecessarily. When you get your results, our nutritionists  can help you to create eating plans and offer advice on alternative options to replace trigger foods

  • 8. What’s the difference of Food Intolerances and Allergies?

    Food intolerance and food allergy are two different types of adverse reactions to food that can cause discomfort, but they have different causes and require different approaches to diagnosis and management. Food intolerance testing and food allergy testing are two methods used to diagnose these conditions. In this post, we will explore the difference between the two. Food Intolerance Testing Food intolerance occurs when the body has difficulty digesting certain foods or food components. This can cause a range of symptoms, including bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and skin rashes. Unlike food allergies, food intolerances do not involve the immune system and are not life-threatening. Food intolerance testing is a method used to identify specific foods that may be causing these symptoms. There are several different types of food intolerance tests, including blood tests, skin prick tests, and elimination diets. Blood tests measure the levels of certain antibodies in the blood that are produced in response to specific foods. Skin prick tests involve exposing the skin to small amounts of allergens to see if a reaction occurs. Elimination diets involve removing certain foods from the diet and gradually reintroducing them to see if symptoms improve. Food Allergy Testing Food allergies are a more serious type of adverse reaction to food. They occur when the immune system overreacts to a specific food protein, triggering a range of symptoms that can be life-threatening in some cases. Symptoms of food allergies can include hives, swelling of the face or throat, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis. Food allergy testing is a method used to identify specific foods that may be causing an allergic reaction. The most common method of food allergy testing is a skin prick test, which involves exposing the skin to small amounts of allergens to see if a reaction occurs. Blood tests may also be used to measure the levels of specific antibodies in the blood that are produced in response to specific foods. In summary, food intolerance and food allergy are two different types of adverse reactions to food. Food intolerance is caused by difficulty digesting certain foods or food components, while food allergy is an immune system response to specific food proteins. Food intolerance testing and food allergy testing are two different methods used to diagnose these conditions. If you suspect that you have a food intolerance or food allergy, it is important to seek advice from a healthcare professional. They can help you determine which type of testing is appropriate for your situation and provide guidance on how to manage your symptoms.

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